In October of 2017, encouraged by my friends, I decided to go to my first con to sell my work, eager to gain the kind of experience you can only learn by being face-to-face with the customers. But I discovered that it was that personal touch, meeting new people, new artists, which gave me the strength to make the extra effort I needed to in order to keep going, to keep learning and growing, and even with its bad things, cons have given me what I hope for
...and more.
Every year I try to reach a new goal, to keep myself motivated. This year was to go to a con outside my country, and after I accomplished it, I won't go again and try in other new conventions as well.
I wish to expand my limits and keep giving myself goals to reach, using both my head and my heart to do so.
Photos of the different kinds of merch I have
Some of the conventions I have atended to:
Dokomi (Alemania)
VGC Alicante
4Players Albanime
Japan Weekend Madrid
Winter Freak
CometCon Asturias
Expotaku Coruña
Madrid Otaku
Dokomi Alemania
Level Up Leon
Some examples of the commissions I offer in the cons